Privacy policy of Vijftigen by GForce Productions

Last updated: 2024-02-18

This is the privacy policy of the app Vijftigen ("it", "the app"), created by GForce Productions ("we", "us").
Here, we explain which data from your device is accessed and how we use and handle this data.
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at:
Note that we may change the privacy policy at any time, if necessary due to updates to Vijftigen, so please review it frequently.

Personal or sensitive user data

Any data that is related to you or your device is considered personal or sensitive user data.
Vijftigen does not access any personal or sensitive user data.

Vijftigen has no access to:
- Financial and payment information
- Authentication information
- Phonebook
- Contacts
- Device location
- SMS and call related data
- Micrcophone
- Camera
- Body sensor data
- Calendar
- Storage
- Telephone
- Bluetooth
